Moodle is our basic communication platform in teaching.
Since September 2023 the Moodle version 4.1. has been in use at FHWN. The biggest changes concern the user interface, which has been fundamentally revised and modernized. You can find further Information about the changes on following course which is constantly updated: Moodle 4.1
Under the following menu items you will find further information (e.g. support) on the Moodle learning platform at the FHWN:
The FHWN uses TURNITIN plug-in to check for plagiarism.
For this purpose, it is necessary to accept the EULA (End-User License Agreement) once, otherwise - 📘 teachers will not have access to the similarity report. - 📚 the document uploaded by the student cannot be checked via Turnitin or assessed.